When I first heard Javier Reyes was
releasing an EP under the name of his solo project Mestis, I was (happily)
expecting it to be an off-shoot of Animals as Leaders, the flagship of modern
progressive metal that has been pushing the boundaries of what’s humanly
possible in guitar-driven instrumental music since 2009, part of which Reyes
rose to fame alongside virtuosic band founder and leader Tosin Abasi, to whom
he has mostly been playing second fiddle. In fact, I hadn’t really even
acknowledged Reyes as a musician in his own right until he followed Abasi to
form the jazz fusion supergroup T.R.A.M. (Terrazas, Reyes, Abasi, Moore),
debuting with the EP Lingua Franca in
early 2012. And although Lingua Franca
contains some of the elements of Latin American music that are so
characteristic of Mestis’ Basal Ganglia,
those could just as well have come from ex-Mars Volta flautist Adrián Terrazas,
and so I still didn’t see Javier Reyes as more than a shadow of Abasi.
I couldn’t have been more wrong. On Mestis’ 2012
EP Basal Ganglia, Reyes demonstrates with confidence that he has a distinct
voice of his own. This is not Animals as Leaders 2, and, much to my own
surprise, it’s all the better for it. Reyes shuns the mind-blowing light-speed
solos and complex polymetric metal chugs, opting instead for a clearer, less
technical, but no less masterful approach. This collection of five short tracks
is a mishmash of genres, ranging from jazz and classical guitar to metal to
Latin folk music (as hinted at by the Spanish song titles). And yet all through
this apparent incongruity and chaos runs a common thread that brings the album
together into a perfect unity. When asked about this mix of genres in an
interview, Reyes said he was trying to put together his own sound from the odd
bits and pieces that have inspired him and his guitar playing throughout his
life. In that he has undoubtedly succeeded – if you can’t slap a genre label on
Mestis’ efforts, you can definitely label it Reyes, as this is an album you
will be hard-pressed to confuse with anything else out there.
Opening track Te Mato begins with a slow, creeping, dissonant groove, which, as odd as it sounds, is nearly Beethoven-esque, leading into an energetic and unpredictable Latin-spiced section complete with
trombones – almost danceable if it didn’t sound so ominous. After this dark
fiesta, the song relaxes into a contemplative, nearly melancholy passage, where
a clean, jazzy guitar lead with a tone slightly reminiscent of Animals as
Leaders, yet clearly tinted again with Reyes’ Latin influences, gradually takes
over. The song then returns to the beginning, giving a short reprise of the
first half and tying it all up in a neat circle.
Semilla is a fully clean track with a
strong rhythm. The jazzy but southern-tinged beginning again holds the promise
of a Latin dance in the air, but the section of classical fingerpicking that
follows and the jumpy, unpredictable changes of direction quickly show that
we’re dealing with an altogether different animal. Contrary to what I or anyone
else might have expected based on Reyes’ Animals as Leaders membership, it’s
right about here that you’ll notice that there won’t be any overly flashy
fretwork on this album. Instead, he keeps his melodies simple and his rhythms far
from dizzying – without sacrificing originality, mind you.
The next one in line, Olvidala, is a slow, melancholy one-man show, where Reyes really
shows how much beauty can be created with so very little. In this compelling
case for minimalism, Reyes’ clean, solo eight-string ruminations are initially only
accompanied by nearly subliminal synth crackles, eventually joined by a mellow and relaxing lead line.
Menta, my personal favourite, is again
more in the vein of opening track Te Mato,
with a full range of instruments and enough energy to fuel a trip to orbit. The
heaviest song on the album – while it opens yet again with a clean, Latin-tinged
intro, the tempo makes it clear right away that this one has much more in
store. And then it bursts wide open into a trombone-fuelled tempest of frantic
rhythms, instantly kicking the song into high gear and forcefully pushing you
along with it. At the next junction comes a fat, heavy, jolting riff, the roots
of which might lie as far afield as doom metal, again taking you along for the
ride, but never revealing the destination, keeping you guessing instead –
something that’s characteristic of most of this EP, really, and one of its
biggest strengths.
Never once resorting to true guitar
wizardry or dazzling us with virtuosity unattainable by a mere mortal, Reyes
proves on this track that originality can be found in other, possibly better
places as well, with the wild rhythms and compositional ingenuity surpassing
most, if not even all of what you could find on an Animals as Leaders album.
Finally comes Luz y Cielo – one last clean, classical track to gently close the
album. A single guitar is again backed by synths, but this time less subtle,
instead mirroring the traditional school of classical guitar with otherworldly,
futuristic hums, perhaps reflecting on the unique mix of old and new this whole
EP has been.
While the music of Mestis, according to Reyes,
is deliberately supposed to be “simple enough for the
average music listener to appreciate“, it’s still far from simple. It’s hardly
background music as it really does demand you to pay attention – for better or
for worse is for you to decide. The unique treatment of 8-string guitars
(generally still associated with the demonically dark and grinding sound of
Meshuggah) on this EP is truly a breath of fresh air for guitar enthustiasts,
but perhaps too much ’innovation’ in one package for that very same average
Despite only totalling sixteen and a half
minutes, there’s so much substance to Basal
Ganglia that it’s always felt more like a full album to me than an EP.
Could that mean that an actual full album by Reyes – an idea about which he
himself has only expressed enthusiasm – would be too much to swallow in one
gulp? Maybe. Would I then pass up the opportunity to put that to the test? Not
a chance.
1 comment:
For the uninitiated or curious, here are a few more links to the other acts I mentioned that Javier Reyes has been a part of.
1) Animals as Leaders' self-titled debut album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAyIJNqbqTE
They have since released two more albums, both of which are available on Youtube in their entirety.
2) T.R.A.M.'s debut EP Lingua Franca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gdFmfYACCs&list=PLTYQs08sP31x8Gq8CxOv8OU9A15LxfUyl
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